Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall 2011

This semester I am taking a drawing class and a lithography class. I actually have the same teacher for both and he is a master print-maker. I used to hate drawing, but I am starting to enjoy it more and more. Probably because now that I understand certain concepts of drawing, I am able to make more decisions about what I want to do and show in the final product. My teacher has us bring in a drawing every other week that we have done at home. These are all 18x24.

First Drawing: We had to draw geometric shapes.

Second Drawing: Geometric shapes with organic shapes. 
This drawing happened in an interesting way because I only  had use of one arm/one hand. My left arm/hand was numb and weak because the nerves in my shoulder were inflamed... hence the agitation and inflammation that showed in the table cloth.

Third Drawing: Interior space. 

Fourth Drawing: Interior space with a window.

This drawing was actually done in class but we had an extended period of time to do it and bring it in for one of our homework critiques. We had to find a place in the art building and draw interior and exterior with a window.

This was my first lithographic print. I love how it turned out and I love the process. 

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