Thursday, June 16, 2011

previous post continued

The following project was on color. I had to use a shape used in a previous project and apply Itten's concepts of color. However, I enjoyed reading Josef Albers color concepts more. For the project I had to create 12 separate compositions but they had to fit together as one seamless design. 

The following image is my formula I created. There are 12 pages, and 12 main colors. The shape I used is from the first project that I had to do. I deconstructed it and made a pattern with it.

The following images are from a project I had to do showing texture. There are only 8 shown below because the other 4 examples are in a video I created of a performance piece.

The images below are from a project on line. Using a viewfinder I had to search through different images from magazines and find a composition I could use and show 12 variations.

The following image is from a project on shape. I pretty much had to do the same thing as I did for line. (This is the shape I deconstructed and used for that project on color.)

My teacher had us keep a visual journal which has been extremely useful and I love documenting everything in there. Visual Journal

The journal would help my figure out a process to work with and also help me study psychology. 


line project

shape project


Thoughts after enjoying a visit from Nina Berman to speak to UNCG at the Weatherspoon Museum

from art history notes

Watched a video on Sir Ken Robinson

Cover of second Journal

part of planning for color project

art history- I had to memorize dates for tests and have spelling correct as well. The teacher has a 5 point grading scale... I got an A... thanks to the visual journal. This process helped me think of ways to study that would help me remember things. This page shows how I thought about rhythm from tap dance and used rhythm to memorize dates.

(This is more recent, planning with my friend Molly for a poster I have to do for dance performances at CPCC)

I have enjoyed making books. I made a book for my friend Jane for her birthday. Last year she was in Europe and she told me that she wished that she could be there this year for her birthday instead of here. I inquired secretly about the countries she visited last year and made a book for her. I cut out a picture taken of us at a cast party and used it numerous times.

 I am going away next week to an art retreat in Virginia. I am super excited! I will have many pictures to post upon returning.

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